Our company, MetaMetrics®, was founded more than 30 years ago when colleagues A. Jackson Stenner, Ph.D., and Malbert Smith, Ph.D., had a vision to make test scores more actionable by connecting assessments to instruction. With grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), Jack and Malbert’s research culminated in MetaMetrics’ flagship product, The Lexile® Framework for Reading.
The success of Lexile measures led us to our next quest: to develop a universal scale that addressed the variety of student math abilities in classrooms, while encompassing the wide range of quantitative concepts and skills that students need to achieve college and career readiness. The result was The Quantile® Framework for Mathematics, which takes the guesswork out of mathematics instruction. With Quantile® measures, educators have a concrete measure of student readiness to learn specific concepts and can better tailor instruction.
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Today, we partner with state departments of education, education companies and publishers to reach our vision of all students having Lexile® measures and Quantile measures to help them navigate the path to college and career readiness.